Saturday, January 4, 2014

Night-Night Blanket

My little man is growing up fast. He is fast approaching the big 2nd birthday. He is getting so big and is out growing the baby blanket we use in his crib. I use the term "blanket we use" loosely as it ends up smooshed into a corner of his bed nightly. But, it's significance is more so that it is part of a nighttime, morning and nap time routine/ritual. 

Every night little man is covered with his blanket and every morning he sweetly hands it up to me and we smooth it over the edge of the crib. He is very particular. He has resisted my attempts at switching it for a different blanket. 

It is lightweight, he likes the pattern, and so on. I decided I would make him a blanket with similar features, but larger to accommodate his growing size. (He is very tall like his dad.)

I used a flannel on one side (the pattern) and a fuzzy thin fleecy fabric on the back, (the gray). I didn't use a tutorial but this one ( closely approximates what I did. 

One thing I did not do that I would do different if doing this again is to wash the fabrics before starting my cutting, pinning & sewing. Still, I am pretty pleased with how it turned out. Little man is sleeping with it even as I type this. 

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